

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Medicare (GOP Plan DENIED)

The G.O.P. proposed a medicare overhaul plan that says that everyone under the age of 55 will no longer have medicare benefits at retirement age and that we would have to go to a private medical insurance carrier.  Really?  Do you really think that is the way to go?  So, not only are we paying a large amount of our income during our working careers to insurance companies but also we are now going to have to pay part of our retirement monies that we've slaved most of our lives to save to the insurance companies, as well.  That is their plan.  I'm in the wrong business...I should have gotten into the insurance business from the start because that sure is where the money is, either that or banking.  So does that mean if Medicare is removed from our future will that be reflected on our checks?  Will we be compensated with more income in order to save for medical care in our waning years.  I doubt it.  Wow, so for many people who didn't manage to save any retirement money due to circumstances, job loss that took their home and ate up their savings for example, are going to be dependent on Social Security, what is going to happen to them?  No medicare, no insurance, so if they fall ill they will just rot in their homes waiting to die basically.  Great!  That is something everyone of us can look forward to.  I truly believe that the United States is not a country for the retired.  In order for retirees to live a half way decent life in their remaining years they have to go abroad, where you can get medical care either at a low rate or even free.  I think that will be my plan or like my boyfriend said we can live 6 months here and 6 months abroad.  I like that plan too.  This place is just getting ridiculous.

I just read on USA Today that the G.O.P. Medicare Plan was DENIED!  I do agree that we need to make changes but lets start first with reducing government spending.  I don't think we need to sacrifice the elderly.  Maybe they should look into welfare reform, not Social Security or Medicare.  There are plenty of young able bodied Americans choosing to be on welfare rather than getting an education to eventually find a job and be a contributing member of society just because it's easier for them to be on welfare.  I'm sure they consider it free money but really what sort of lifestyle do you live.  You can't get rich off of welfare checks.

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