
Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm practicing my writing skills.  They say if you want to be a good writer to write, write, write...until you figure out what works for you.  So here I am practicing my writing, maybe you'll like what you read and maybe you won't, let me know what you think.  Email email is on my profile page.  If you look to the right of your screen you will see my pages section, one page is titled "Fictitious Story:  Diary of Yet Another Woman" this one is an ongoing story and the other is "Short Stories" self-explanatory.  I don't have much written so far but you can check it out and let me know what you think.  My writing most likely sucks.  I haven't taken a writing class in years and I've forgotten most of what I've learned.  But the point is to keep on writing, right?

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