
Saturday, June 4, 2011

11th Annual Veterans Appreciation Day Celebration

Braving the downpour veterans, their families and friends came together today to celebrate and honor our nation's veterans and heroes lost.  I was proud to be in attendance standing next to my father, a veteran himself of the Vietnam era.  It was very moving.  Tears were shed.  The National Anthem was sung by Angela Tirado.  She was amazing.  Her voice filled the entire room with emotion.  The POW/MIA presentation was very touching and I tried very hard not to cry.  Several Districts Assemblymembers, Councilmembers, a Supervisor and a Vice Mayor were presented and spoke in honor of the veterans.  My mother, a volunteer, worked tirelessly in the background.  I barely had a chance to speak to her.  I didn't see her sit down once.  (Her and my father are going to a birthday party tonight and I hope she has enough energy to dance.  Taking a nap before heading out is definitely in order.)  All in all it was a very nice event and I would definitely love to attend future functions.

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