*Allene Angelica*
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Future Story Idea - What do you think? Yay or Nay?
Within the confines of it's cell, the creature androgynous in nature, schemes. Free to wander, it slithers to and fro unbeknownst to man. Listening in from dark corners and abandoned alleyways, it gathers information to use on any unlucky soul that crosses it's path. There are few who can sense it's evil and are naturally repelled by it. We call them the Sensitives. The Sensitives are a solitary lot, preferring to be left in peace to study, research and record past, current and future events for there are the lucky few who are seers.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Wretched Creature
What can I say about a heart so black with no moral guidelines, run amok to cause pain and destruction from within. The cancer spreads it's vile poison from one corner to another felling one innocent after another, old and young alike, there is no discrimination. The attacks vicious and cruel meant to maim and cripple. I do not cower from this poison but I avoid it's touch. It's touch meant to disarm is revolting. My stomach struggles to stay calm, my body still but I am not deceived by it's assumed cleverness. The wretched creature uses human weakness as it's door. "Oh woe is me, oh woe is me..." can be heard through it's lips whispering into the ears of the unaware. But as surely as the sun rises every morn the truth will out. The beast with it's sunken dark ringed eyes will blow it's cover and the black within uncover.
*Allene Angelica*=^_^=
Thursday, January 5, 2012
My Misery Inspires Me
Pain, anger, misery
Inspires me
My blood pounding
In my veins
My tears
A torrent of rain
My fingers clutching
My pen
The words
Flying to no end
Where, where
Is my misery
She is gone
Gone from me.
Inspires me
My blood pounding
In my veins
My tears
A torrent of rain
My fingers clutching
My pen
The words
Flying to no end
Where, where
Is my misery
She is gone
Gone from me.
*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad
My daughter and I had a short discussion last night regarding vloggers. It was a very brief discussion consisting of short precise text messages expressing her incomprehension of why vloggers vlog. Most of the vlogs she has watched were boring in her opinion and hard to get through but she does enjoy the ones with comical skits. It got me thinking...I've read a few articles from writers of the opinion that vloggers just want their five minutes of fame or a step up the ladder to fame and fortune. Whatever the reasons...I think it's similar to why people blog just a bit more obvious, they are putting their face out there for the whole world to see. Maybe they are expressing themselves in the only way they know how. Maybe they feel more comfortable speaking in front of a camera while I for instance feel better writing or typing my feelings, opinions, etc... down on paper or my blog site. Do I care if anyone reads it? Not really...it's just my thoughts and experiences that I need to put somewhere. I have had tons of journals over the years and tucked in to those journals are pieces of scratch paper, napkins, whatever I could get my hands on at the time to jot down thoughts, poems or ideas. Most of them I've lost or burned never to be seen again, especially my racier ones. When I die I don't need evidence for my children or my grandchildren to find and read just how passionate their mother or grandmother used to be, not that it would make any difference, I'd be dead. I've kept my online blogs fairly tame. Nothing to read years later and blush about. Although if my children were to ever get their sticky little fingers on my journals and read them I'm sure they would just laugh and think to themselves..."That's our Mommy!"
*Allene Angelica*
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