
Thursday, October 22, 2015


I stared out
At the Adriatic
In a trance

The sea's wealth of
Emeralds, sapphires, diamonds
True jewels shimmering
In the midday light before me
By the golden rays
Of the sun

I, along with the other
Backpacked foreigners,
Quietly sat
Taking in its beauty
Words can do it no justice
Maybe, diminish it somehow

Time and we
Stood still
While sailboats floated
Gracefully by
Fragile in the distance

I wanted to take a picture
A memento
Of this place
On this wall
Lovingly preserved
For over eight hundred years
But I couldn't
It wouldn't be the same

Instead, I captured the essence
The oneness
The serenity


Eternal in my memory

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2015

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