
Sunday, March 1, 2015

An Old Wall

I remember the day
Golden I would say
The sun bright
Sparkling pigments
Of light
Dancing in
In the middle of
A few thousand squares

We waded
Among the rubble
Hoping to not stumble
When we discovered
A disintegrating old wall
I was thoroughly enthralled

As I stared
At the dilapidation
These words flit
Through my mind
A fanciful tale
Of the colorful kind

'In the middle of
Rough and craggy land
Far from sea and sand
Crumbling stones
Of volcanic rock
Lay strewn about
As if they were knocked

Where once
A great house stood
The best in their
Neck of the woods
Life was happy
Without a care
They all shared

Then a conquering
People came
Destroyed lives
And brought shame

Now there is nothing left
But a decaying old wall
Where once it stood
So proud and tall
And the people?
Into earth they dissolved
As if they were never
There at all'

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2015

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