
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thank You Ma'am

She flew over the cuckoo's nest
Didn't stop to say good bye
Bulldozed her way through life
With subtlety
And charm
She had a way
To disarm

Thank you ma'am
May I have another?

Lucky must be her middle name
So many times
It could have been the end game

She just kept right on going
No regrets, no worries
A future full of unknowns
She wasn't afraid of not knowing

She shrugged her shoulders
With a smile
The kind that said
I'll stay for a while

Oh happy days
We hope that she will stay
Oh she does love to play
As long as she gets her way

Thank you ma'am
May I have another?

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2014

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

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