

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I Am Nothing

I have been out of my head in silence
Obsessing over facts and figures
That mean nothing and everything
To me

How long can I go on
In the dead of the night
I am typing, computing, nodding
Over things
That mean nothing and everything
To me

How will my love find me
When he calls to tell me how much he cares
Will I be obsessing over facts and figures?
Typing, computing and nodding?
Over things
That mean nothing and everything
To me?

Or will I be fast asleep
As he wished
Exhausted and beat
Because the things
That mean nothing and everything
To me
Can't compete
With the me
That is nothing
Without the people
That is everything
To me

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2014

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

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