
Friday, December 21, 2012

I Know I've Been Neglectful

I am acutely aware that I have been neglecting my blog.  Unfortunately my heart hasn't been in it the last few months.  I've also been busy with other projects.  I'll be more consistent with my posts in 2013 though.  Today is 12-21-2012 and so far we are still here.  I've never studied the Mayan calendar or their history in detail, well except maybe just their general history back when I was in elementary school, or even been interested in the theories and doomsday prophecies that have been floating around regarding today's date but still when I stepped out of my front door and stood on my patio for a few seconds marveling at the beautiful sky with it's radiant colors of red, orange and gold I did for a second wonder if today's date held a specific significance to that ancient culture.

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