
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update - Family & Friends Should Butt Out (In My Opinion)

I heard that the husband came to his senses and apologized to his wife and posted on Facebook to stop the negative comments about his wife.  Well, I should say so!  People were calling her a prostitute without knowing the facts and making assumptions with their small little minds.  She is the daughter of a judge and is well educated.  I'll tell you what, I can bet that 90% of those commenter's barely finished high school.  She studied law before marrying that almost 40 snot nose whelp.  In my opinion, he married well while she drew the short straw.  Poor thing.  Love can be blind.  I'm hoping that the blinders will soon be lifted from her eyes before she has any miniatures of him running around.  I know I sound harsh but in order to be respected you have to show respect yourself.  I don't think his family even knows who paid for all of his trips abroad.  His wife's family, that's who.  He probably pretended he paid for all of his airfare.

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