
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pages = Story

Ok, so ever since I got the keyboard I've been typing away like crazy. I bought the Pages app. How much was it? I think it ran around $10. Pages is o.k. it'll do for what I need it to do. It's pretty basic. Anyways ever since I've been typing away like crazy, I've started writing a story. Yes, a bonified story. I'm about 3,800 words in. I'm working on the second chapter. I'm hoping the story is interesting and I can't wait to see where it will lead me. It basically writes itself. Once my fingers hit the keyboard, it's almost like something just takes over and the story takes shape all on it's own. I all of a sudden have characters and they are slowly taking shape in my head and coming to life through my fingers. They are having conversations and feeling emotions. It's wonderful really.

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