
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Manuscript

Can you believe I have a manuscript?  Of course it's not complete yet.  Can it be called a manuscript if it's not complete.  Hmmm...I'm going to have to google that.  I'm still working on it.  I'm about 12,827 words in.  I've sent the first three chapters to one of my brother dears for proofreading and of course, his opinion since he has a Bachelors in English and is published himself.  I've also sent the first three chapters to my daughter dearest for a young person's perspective.  They are both under oath to not reveal my story at any cost.  I'm waiting on pins and needles for their input.  I'm working on the 5th chapter as we speak.  It's of course a fiction story.  My goal is to complete the book by the end of the year and hopefully have it published by next year.  Fingers crossed.  I hope, I hope, I hope.

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