
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So, my dog's name is Talon and for the last couple of weeks, or longer, he has had some sort of skin rash.  I didn't notice the hair loss until I gave him a bath and to my surprise patches of hair just fell off his body.  Now, for how long that had been going on I don't know (maybe 2 - 3 weeks is my guess) because I bathe him about once a month, so I never really noticed anything wrong.  He's an indoor dog and only goes outside when he has to do his business and I'm with him the entire time, of course I turn my head to give him his privacy, so I know exactly where he's been.  Where he could have picked up anything is my guess.  Well, anyhoo, I took him to the vet and she says he has a bacterial and yeast infection, double whammo.  Poor little guy, he's on antibiotics (twice a day) and I have to bathe him twice a week with medicated shampoo.  He and I are not happy campers.

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