

Friday, February 13, 2015

Her Caller

She could hear a whisper in the air
A soft lilting call
Her name wafting in the breeze
In the time of dreams
In the season of fall

A feminine sultriness it did contain
As [she] singularly
Repeated her name
A breath, a sigh, a shade
But when she sought
There was nothing at all

The cold chilled her bones
Not of fright
In this old house made of stone
The trees and vines have overgrown
She gazed out into the stygian night
The moon was nowhere in sight
Deserted by the stars
There was not a smidgen of light

She had heard the call many times before
Never knowing what [she] was calling for
The sultry voice
Who whispers in the dead of night
Always her name
Always the same

She wrapped the quilt tighter
Around her small frame
She thought
She would stay here
Just this one night
But little did she know
She was where the caller came
And there
She will forever remain

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Day In My Life 02072015

I've been stretching myself
One plus one
Equals four
Just kidding
No, really
Not finding the stimulation

I broke a hair
Thingamajig today
My last one
Been expecting it
I'd have to say
Can't find the strength
To go buy another
My hair will be wild
And free
For a little while
It's not a bother

Looked at my birth chart
It's been a minute
Since I've done that
Gave myself
A rational chat
Reminding me
Of how complicated
I can be
With my earth and fire
At my core
Air performing
A balancing act
Who knows
What's in store
It's all good
As long
As I stay afloat
Keeping my
Water levels
Beneath my boat

Put my
Little baby birdies
To bed
Happy as clams
As I pulled the sheet
Over their heads

My turn
To hit the hay
Wished everything
Was A O.K.
Slathered repellent
All over exposed skin
Those mozzie bitches
Followed me in

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2015