
Saturday, March 31, 2012
In The Middle Of A Set Of Chemical Peels
Ok, I'm in the middle of a set of chemical peels. This weekend is my fourth weekend of peels. I've upped the ante. Now I'm doing a 35% Glycolic peel and I'm alternating with a Glycolic-Lactic acid combo peel with a 35% total combination. I've decided to do 5 weeks total this set. You're probably thinking I'm obsessed but hey when you get to be my age you need all the help you can get...hehehe... Doing them myself I feel I have control of the procedure and I don't feel like I'm throwing money down the drain. If I were to go to a medspa (which I've done by the way) it would cost $100 a pop, for 5 weeks that's $500 friggin' dollars. The medspas are raking in the dough. Cha ching...suckuh! I'm doing the peels myself for the total cost of less than $50. If you do decide to do these at home procedures please be careful and use a percentage that your skin can handle.
*Allene Angelica*
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
John Carter - IMAX 3D
This past weekend I watched "John Carter". I watched it in IMAX 3D. It was worth it. There were so many things going on in the movie that I didn't have a second to be bored. It is a fun entertaining movie and I'd like to watch it 2 - 3 more times to catch more of the details, as it was, I was busy concentrating on the characters and following the story line. The beginning of the movie starts with a narration of Mars (Barsoom) and the conflicts of it's inhabitants, then off to New York to a millionaire, John Carter, who is being followed by a small nondescript man who John tries to shake off his trail in order to send a message to his nephew to come see him at his estate, then off to Arizona to a broke civil war vet, John Carter, who is prospecting for gold and finds himself in trouble with the law and then to Mars (Barsoom) where his life starts to become very interesting. The background and scenery looked and felt authentic enough. I imagine Mars to look very similar to how it was represented in the movie. During one scene when the Princess of Mars, Dejah Thoris, was making her escape from an unwanted arranged marriage, or wait, maybe it was the fight scene when the evil bad guy was gifted with the power of the eight rays or whatever it was called, I can't recall at the moment, I had a feeling of deja vu. Do you remember "Flash Gordon"? A sci-fi movie from the 80's. I must have watched that movie a hundred times when I was a kid ("the bore worms" although they never showed us the bore worms, the way the princess said it in "Flash Gordon", I didn't need to see them...I can just imagine the torture they can cause. Ok, I've gone off on a tangent...back to the main topic). Of course the technology and special effects has advanced since then but at that first moment in the flying ship I got the sense of having scene the vibrant colors, lighting, background, camera angles, I don't know how to put it, I don't know enough of movie making to place an exact finger on it but that feeling was there nonetheless. Yes, I loved the movie. It was thoroughly enjoyable and wouldn't mind watching it several more times.
*Allene Angelica*
Friday, March 9, 2012
Consumed With Thoughts of the Past
So here I sit consumed with thoughts of the past. I'm on the third 'Sara Woodbury" novel. Her time travel series! I love how she takes a part of history and incorporates it and transforms it into a fantasy fiction sci-fi type of story. I'd never in my life been interested in the country of Wales. I knew that it's a part of England but that was the extent of my knowledge. When I read "Daughter of Time" it started a curiosity in me and I looked online for Cymry (Wales) and Llewelyn ap Gruffydd, the last Prince of Wales. Reading her books brought Llewelyn back to life and turned him into a hero of Wales, a unifier of Wales. Someone who I rooted for, not only for him but his descendants and trusted allies, as well. He was someone who in reality was betrayed by everyone around him but in her books he had family and trusted allies who loved and cared for him. Rather than just the cold hard facts of a history book, her books took the facts, read between lines and imagined a different life for our tragic hero. Where in reality he was betrayed, beheaded and his head set up over the gate at the Tower of London for over 15 years without a son to carry his vision into the next generation, the hope of Wales as an independent country died with him, in her stories he lived, he loved and begot an heir. What can I say, there is something compelling about sword fights, battles and intrigue with a splash of romance thrown in, not too much but just enough.
*Allene Angelica*
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