

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Fitness Pal + Fun Countdown

My daughter and I have been trying to lose weight for a while now. It's been an uphill battle for the both us. She fortunately inherited my curves but with those curves comes the struggle of trying to not have too much of it. The perfect balance is wonderful when you're there but when you start leaning towards the wrong side it can be a landslide effect. You get too comfortable and next thing you know you're looking at yourself in the mirror wondering what the hell happened. That is where the both of us are at today. So, she's been working out everyday trying to stay motivated. She and I talked about it and she convinced me to download the "My Fitness Pal" app which I did and I invited her to be my friend. The both of us are going to urge each other every day to work out and eat right. The app actually tells you how many calories you can consume each day to reach your weight goal. It calculates your daily intake of calories and calorie burning (work outs, activities, etc...). We also downloaded a countdown app to encourage us further by setting a date of when we want to reach our goal. I'm hoping this will really work for us. I'll keep you posted of course.

Picture I Took With The iPad

This is a picture I took with the iPad and edited with PhotoForge2. Pretty cool huh? The same thing with my profile pic.

Uploaded Profile Picture in Blogger

I had to upload my profile picture the old school way, thru my laptop.  I'm going on vacay next week and I'm hoping the email/blog function works well because I'm not bringing my laptop just my iPad.  I tested it out last night and it seems to transfer to my blog very quickly, no sooner did I hit send and it was there in my posts list.  Nice!  I'll be able to attach pictures thru email and have them instantly on my blog page which will save me the hassle of trying to upload the typical way.  If all goes well...

Blogger + Picasa/Photobucket + iPad

I am so irritated!!! I can't seem to change my profile picture on Blogger thru Picasa using my iPad!!! I read a forum that said if you use Photobucket it's a breeze. Well, if it's a breeze where's my friggin picture!!! There has got to be an easier way! Just needed to vent.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weekend Office

I'm sitting in my weekend office relaxed with an iced mocha in front of me while I work. I prefer working like this. I can spend hours and get a lot of productive work done. I'm able to work quietly and the other patrons respect each other's privacy. I don't have to worry about office politics and whether or not a coworker is going to stab me in the back. I'm in comfortable clothing and on my feet, thong sandals. This is definitely the way to go.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Manuscript

Can you believe I have a manuscript?  Of course it's not complete yet.  Can it be called a manuscript if it's not complete.  Hmmm...I'm going to have to google that.  I'm still working on it.  I'm about 12,827 words in.  I've sent the first three chapters to one of my brother dears for proofreading and of course, his opinion since he has a Bachelors in English and is published himself.  I've also sent the first three chapters to my daughter dearest for a young person's perspective.  They are both under oath to not reveal my story at any cost.  I'm waiting on pins and needles for their input.  I'm working on the 5th chapter as we speak.  It's of course a fiction story.  My goal is to complete the book by the end of the year and hopefully have it published by next year.  Fingers crossed.  I hope, I hope, I hope.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Couple of Female Scammers in San Jose, CA

Hey everybody in the Bay Area. There are a couple of female scammers hanging out at gas stations trying to scam unsuspecting customers. After work today I stopped at a gas station over by Saratoga and Moorpark and while I was standing there waiting for the car to fill up a thin young woman with a foreign accent approached me saying that she saw my aura from a distance and wanted to give me a reading because it was so strong. I asked her how much and she said she's from Hollywood, she's here on vacation and is waiting for a cab and that she would give me 1/2 off because she just had to read me. Again I said how much and she said $20. Bitch tried to scam me for twenty bucks. That might have worked back when I was twenty-five but now oh hell no! She walked back to join her friend none the richer.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pages = Story

Ok, so ever since I got the keyboard I've been typing away like crazy. I bought the Pages app. How much was it? I think it ran around $10. Pages is o.k. it'll do for what I need it to do. It's pretty basic. Anyways ever since I've been typing away like crazy, I've started writing a story. Yes, a bonified story. I'm about 3,800 words in. I'm working on the second chapter. I'm hoping the story is interesting and I can't wait to see where it will lead me. It basically writes itself. Once my fingers hit the keyboard, it's almost like something just takes over and the story takes shape all on it's own. I all of a sudden have characters and they are slowly taking shape in my head and coming to life through my fingers. They are having conversations and feeling emotions. It's wonderful really.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Oh My Jaws

I must have been under a lot of stress at work today because my jaws are killing me. They feel like I was chomping on iron bars all day. Stress. I didn't realize it but I was probably holding them rigid most of the day because now they feel sore. I just took my last Extra Strength Tylenol 500mg. Reminder: Need to buy more Tylenol. It didn't help that my allergies attacked me today too. It started this morning because I was cleaning yesterday and kicked up dust. Now the skin around my nose hurts as well as my jaw. Ughhhhh...