
Friday, November 21, 2014


In pursuit of the shadowy illusion I believe to be real.  As real as the pen I clasp in my hand.  As real as the brown in my eyes, the thickness of my thighs.  My elated gasps turn rancid, sour as the illusive brume of my consciousness eludes me yet again.  Teeth ground to stubs of disquiet.  My arms held aloft in supplication for a sign.  Will 'the one' be forthcoming and answer my plea?  I can only wait and continue on my path, though filled with treachery and unseen dangers.  I must trudge along in pursuit, in pursuit of this force, this energy, this thing called vim.

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

What If

In the mid morning light
Ruminating on minimalist views
The sun light hazy
Behind smoky veils
Of nondescript colors
Solidly fastened
To go nowhere fast
Distorting perceptions
Envisioning landscapes
In idealistic designs
Curvature intricacies
And dusky confusion
Where I look towards
In all its forms
Clean, zen filled lines
Of point taken
From A to B
But edges blur
In dreamy states
And mind wanders

'What if...?'

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Penned to Paper

In my tales of woe
Never have I regret
Nor wished harm
To any man or beast
Though in my darkest
Of blackest thoughts
I must confess
I have envisioned
A drama of tragic

Although always
Woke with the sunniest
And brightest of dispositions

In my distant
Past I've endured
The longest hour
Of any hour
I can endure
With murky visions
Of fantastical

Oh how I wish
I would have
Penned them
To paper

For a child's
Are brilliant
To behold

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Butterfly Kiss

Memories of
How you teased me so
Fruity bliss
Butterfly kiss
Digitals un-caught
I'll treasure
New things taught
Joys and pleasures
During those steamy nights
Not so long ago

Oh how I'll miss
Your butterfly kiss
Tastes divine
Light sweet teases
Sprinkled with wine
Straight from the vine

The tears rain
Not for pain
But what we've gained
Our temporary goodbyes
Will soon bring
Heated sighs
When once again
You, in my arms
With all of your charms

But until then

How I will miss
Your butterfly kiss

Copyright © Allene Angelica 2014