
Friday, August 30, 2013

My Stomach's A Rumblin'

My stomach's a rumblin'
As I was stumblin'
Outta bed
Need my coffee fix
To clear my foggy head
Should I make myself some breakfast?
I look in my kitchen
The pickins' are slim
I'll head down to my favorite diner
And treat myself instead

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Monday, August 26, 2013


Soon my eyes
Will glimpse
My one desire
My arms will envelop
The one I yearn
My lips will kiss
His burning fire
Oh give me the strength
To never tire
For I never want to sleep

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Friday, August 23, 2013

There Was A Time

There was a time
When I no longer had the will
To care

I floated through life
A ghost
With blinders on
The thumping of my heart steady
Thu-thump, thu-thump
Excitement was rare

No emoticons
My expression carved in stone
You couldn't tempt me
Not a single bit
If you walked in bare

Not a word written
Not a song sung
Not a muscle twitched
Or bell aching to be rung

Is this my life?
No love or strife?
No hate or desire?
No passion for any living soul?

Emptiness is all I saw
A hollowness
I could only withdraw
Further and further
Into my mind
Filling my dreams
Of memories
Of there was a time

When I was young and carefree
Nothing could wipe
The smile from me
Of emotions so intense
All I saw was the color red
Having the time of my life
There was no time for bed

One day as I sat restless
Surfing online
I came upon some verses
My heart skipped a beat
My lips smiled
I wiggled in my seat
I read more
And then some more

Do I dare?
To write my words there?

There was a time
When I accepted the dare

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Down Below

A black void has filled my soul
An inky emptiness
That echoes voiceless moans
Creeping ever so silently
It's time to pay the toll

I am numb
I am struck dumb
Is this how it begins?
Evil answers
With a knowing grin

You are mine
For all of time
I know what's in your heart
It calls to me
We can never be apart

My mouth a silent O
I scream, I scratch
I kick him below

He laughs at my puny attempts
As he grabs at my arms
Me away
As I reach out in alarm
For sanity to save me
From my madness
Nails digging into the earth
Praying for rebirth

My mouth a silent O
I scream a voiceless scream
As I kick him down below

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I walk into the dance studio
That I've walked into every day
The walls covered in mirrors
Shimmering and glistening
My reflection I've seen every which way

It's my second home
My place of refuge
I am never alone

The music starts to thump
My heart jumps
My body moves
Bumping to the groove

I am taken away
To my happy place
No one can wipe
The silly grin off of my face

I grind and slide
I spin, I glide
The mirrors show all
There is nowhere to hide

I shimmy, I shake
The sweat pouring
Down my face
'Gimme, gimme, gimme'
We yell
Having a blast
Even though it's hot as hell

Dancing is a part of me
I could never stop
Wherever I am
In this amazing world
I have to dance
Or I will no longer be


*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Monday, August 19, 2013

When I Close My Eyes

My heart constricts
Mid beat
When I close my eyes
And I see blue

Fiery fingers
Caress my skin
Thrilling parts unseen
When I close my eyes
And I see blue

That wicked smile
Tantalizes and teases
Me erect
When I close my eyes
And I see blue

Those eyes
Burn me
Through and through
I am aflame
When I close my eyes
And I see you

*Allene Angelica*

No One Home

Tricky, tricky my sweet
Hands grasping, pulling me in tight
Oh you know how to do it just right

Kisses full of passion
From lips full of lies
Oh you think you've got me
By my contented sighs

Full of empty promises
Fill my ears
I've learned my sweet
From an expert
Oh you think you are so neat

You've taught me well
Didn't you know?
Ain't love swell
There'll be no one home
Next time you ring the bell
It's your turn to wait, alone

*Allene Angelica*

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Memory

A memory
Small feet on pebbled ground
Surrounded by mist
All around
Clinging to the trees
Clinging to me

A memory
Small feet
Crunching on russet leaves
The mist
Chilled my bare arms
Tall green giants
Lured me with their charms

A memory
Small feet walking
On rocky road
Out all alone
In the early morn
With the mist
Birds and the trees
Singing to me
I felt calm and safe

This is where
I should be

*Allene Angelica*

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not Yet...

One day
I will sit in silence
Watching the rain

One day
I will no longer
Feel the pain

One day
I will not worry
About any pounds I gain

One day
My chaotic mind
Will feel a little sane

One day
I will fly away
On a jet plane


That day is not today

Not yet...

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I Hunger

I crave

I see him watching
With those eyes
As I dance
My body swaying
Grinding, undulating
To a sensual beat

My skin yearns
For his touch
Soft, gentle
Demanding and rough
His large hands
Delving under the sheets

My lips hunger
For his kiss
Tongues exploring
Oh, such bliss
Tasting flavors
Exclusively unique
I want to savor
Mine and his

I feel such heat
I am starving
Would you like
Something to eat?

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Alpha Bitch

I'm an Alpha bitch
I forge my own path
I may not be rich
But I live as I please

I will not be told
What to do
Because my life is mine
You don't walk in my shoes

Some see me
As too nice
Because I'm kind
They don't seem to realize
I have my own mind

But they soon learn
This noggin is always tickin'
When they finally grasp
I've just given them a lickin'

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Passing Ships

She sat
With purple earbuds
In her ears
Staring out of the window
At nothing
While she ate
Is that music that she hears?

She sat
Dressed in tan khakis
And a white summer top
Her hair piled up
Makeup, not a drop

She sat
A small grin
Playing on her lips
'A penny for your thoughts'
I wish to say
But I don't
We are just
Passing ships

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Monday, August 5, 2013

Never Again

It was not real
As I jerked awake
My breathing labored
My heart in a state

It was a shadow
An illusion
A dream
Of what could
Have been

I will never love
That way again

*Allene Angelica*

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I Am

I am light
I am free

I am right
Where I should be

Tomorrow's flight
Will be me

I will soar like a kite
Everyone will see

I have no fight
I will let it be

The wind shall hold tight
And take me

Straight to the sea

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Friday, August 2, 2013

Last Night

I opened my eyes
To a light
Too bright
My head throbbing
To a beat
I had not heard
In many a year
When I used to hit
The dance floor
On single feet

I groan, I moan
What is this I'm feeling?
My stomach responds
With a rumbling
And my head
Starts reeling

In a panic
I leap out of bed
With beads of sweat
On my forehead
That I make it
To my throne
Thanking The Lord
That I am alone
As I regurgitated
All I had to drink
Last night

It's what happens
When you go out
After dark
With a bunch of wild
Raving mad
But absolutely lovable
Who party like
Rock stars
And fix your drinks
At the bar
Until you no longer
Know who you are

I don't regret
One single minute
One single second
As I recall
The laughter
The dancing
The living
Last night
They gave me strength
They gave me hope
They reminded me
Of me
Strong, beautiful
With spines of steel
And full of love
That is very real

*Allene Angelica*
Sent from my iPad

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I Am Going Away

When I woke
This morning
I knew today
Was the day
My life would

So I wore
My warrior shoes
With four and a half inch heels
No kittens
For me
But buckles
And zippers
And of course
All leathers

And I wore
My loudest top
A little lace
But bright as hell
To help distract
From the news
I had to tell

Because today
Is the day
My life
Would change
I had to announce
I am going away

*Allene Angelica*